Demystifying NavigationStack with NavigationPath: Mastering View Initialization and Deinitialization
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Demystifying NavigationStack with NavigationPath: Mastering View Initialization and Deinitialization

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Are you tired of dealing with multiple init and deinit calls on your views when using NavigationStack with NavigationPath in your SwiftUI app? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of navigation stacks, exploring the reasons behind this behavior and providing you with practical solutions to tame the beast.

Understanding NavigationStack and NavigationPath

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s quickly recap what NavigationStack and NavigationPath are all about.

NavigationStack is a powerful tool in SwiftUI that allows you to create a hierarchical navigation system in your app. It’s essentially a stack of views, where each view is pushed onto the stack as the user navigates deeper into the app.

NavigationPath, on the other hand, is a property wrapper that helps you manage the navigation state of your app. It’s used to store the navigation path, which is essentially a list of identifiers that represent the views in the navigation stack.

The Problem: Multiple init/deinit Calls

So, what’s the issue with NavigationStack and NavigationPath? Well, when you use them together, you might notice that your views are being initialized and deinitialized multiple times, leading to unexpected behavior and potential performance issues.

This happens because NavigationStack is designed to recreate the views in the stack whenever the navigation path changes. When the navigation path is updated, NavigationStack will recreate the views in the stack, calling `init` on each view and then `deinit` on the old views that are no longer needed.

This can lead to a phenomenon known as “init-deinit hell,” where your views are being constantly recreated and destroyed, causing all sorts of problems.

Why Does this Happen?

So, why does NavigationStack behave in this way? The reason lies in the way SwiftUI handles view creation and destruction.

In SwiftUI, views are created and destroyed dynamically as the user interacts with the app. When a view is no longer needed, SwiftUI will automatically destroy it to free up resources. This process is known as “view invalidation.”

When you use NavigationStack with NavigationPath, the navigation path is updated whenever the user navigates to a new view or goes back to a previous one. This triggers a chain reaction of view invalidations, causing the views in the stack to be recreated and destroyed repeatedly.

Solutions to the Problem

Now that we understand the problem, let’s explore some solutions to tame the init-deinit beast!

Solution 1: Use a Single NavigationStack Instance

One common mistake that can lead to multiple init-deinit calls is having multiple instances of NavigationStack in your app.

To avoid this, make sure you’re using a single instance of NavigationStack throughout your app. You can do this by creating a centralized navigation controller that manages the navigation stack.

struct NavigationController: View {
    @StateObject var navigationStack = NavigationStack()

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack/navigationStack) {
            // Your views go here

Solution 2: Use a Custom NavigationStrategy

By default, NavigationStack uses a strategy called `DefaultNavigationStrategy` to manage the navigation stack. However, this strategy can lead to multiple init-deinit calls.

One way to solve this is to create a custom navigation strategy that minimizes the number of view recreations. You can do this by implementing a strategy that only recreates the views when necessary.

struct CustomNavigationStrategy: NavigationStrategy {
    func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
        // Implement your custom strategy here

struct CustomNavigationStack: View {
    let strategy = CustomNavigationStrategy()

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack(strategy: strategy) {
            // Your views go here

Solution 3: Use a Lazy Load Approach

Another approach to minimizing init-deinit calls is to use a lazy load strategy. This involves creating the views in the navigation stack only when they’re needed, rather than upfront.

You can achieve this by using the `Lazy` view in SwiftUI, which only creates the view when it’s actually needed.

struct LazyView<Content: View>: View {
    let content: () -> Content

    init(_ content: @autoclosure () -> Content) {
        self.content = content

    var body: some View {

struct NavigationStackWithLazyLoad: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            LazyView {
                // Your view goes here

Solution 4: Optimize Your View Code

Finally, it’s essential to optimize your view code to minimize the number of init-deinit calls.

Here are some tips to help you optimize your view code:

  • Use `@State` and `@Binding` wisely: Avoid using `@State` and `@Binding` unnecessarily, as they can cause views to be recreated.
  • Avoid complex view hierarchies: Simplify your view hierarchies to reduce the number of views that need to be recreated.
  • Use `Lazy` views: Use `Lazy` views to delay the creation of views until they’re actually needed.
  • Optimize your viewmodels: Make sure your viewmodels are optimized for performance and don’t cause unnecessary view recreations.


In this article, we’ve explored the common issue of multiple init-deinit calls when using NavigationStack with NavigationPath in SwiftUI. We’ve discussed the reasons behind this behavior and provided four practical solutions to tame the init-deinit beast.

By implementing these solutions, you can minimize the number of init-deinit calls and improve the performance of your app. Remember to use a single NavigationStack instance, create a custom navigation strategy, use lazy loading, and optimize your view code to get the most out of NavigationStack and NavigationPath.

Happy coding!

Solution Description
Use a Single NavigationStack Instance Centralize the navigation stack to avoid multiple instances.
Use a Custom NavigationStrategy Implement a custom strategy to minimize view recreations.
Use a Lazy Load Approach Create views only when needed to reduce init-deinit calls.
Optimize Your View Code Use best practices to minimize view recreations and improve performance.

This article has covered the topic of NavigationStack with NavigationPath triggers multiple init/deinit of views in stack comprehensively. By following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you can create a more efficient and performant navigation system in your SwiftUI app.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with NavigationStack and NavigationPath issues in your app? Look no further! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Q1: What is the NavigationStack and how does it affect my app?

The NavigationStack is a built-in SwiftUI view that allows you to manage a stack of views and navigate between them. However, when used with NavigationPath, it can lead to multiple init and deinit cycles of views in the stack, causing performance issues and unexpected behavior.

Q2: Why do NavigationPath and NavigationStack triggers multiple init and deinit of views?

When you navigate between views using NavigationPath and NavigationStack, SwiftUI recreates the views in the stack, leading to multiple init and deinit cycles. This is because NavigationPath relies on the identity of the views to determine the navigation path, and when the identity changes, SwiftUI assumes the view needs to be recreated.

Q3: How can I optimize NavigationStack and NavigationPath to prevent performance issues?

To optimize NavigationStack and NavigationPath, use the `@ViewBuilder` wrapper to create views lazily, and utilize `@StateObject` to preserve the state of views between init and deinit cycles. Additionally, consider using a custom navigation solution that better suits your app’s specific needs.

Q4: Can I use NavigationLink instead of NavigationPath to avoid these issues?

While NavigationLink can be a viable alternative to NavigationPath, it’s essential to understand its limitations. NavigationLink is suitable for simple navigation scenarios, but it doesn’t provide the same level of flexibility and customization as NavigationPath. Weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Q5: Are there any ongoing efforts to improve NavigationStack and NavigationPath in SwiftUI?

Yes, the SwiftUI team is actively working on improving the navigation system. Keep an eye on the SwiftUI roadmap and release notes for updates on navigation-related features and fixes. Additionally, contribute to the SwiftUI community by reporting issues and sharing your experiences to help shape the future of navigation in SwiftUI.

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