Low Latency Communication in C++: Raw Sockets with io_uring vs. ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, Aeron, and More!
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Low Latency Communication in C++: Raw Sockets with io_uring vs. ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, Aeron, and More!

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Are you a C++ developer struggling to achieve low latency communication in your high-performance applications? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of low-latency communication, comparing the benefits and trade-offs of using raw sockets with io_uring, ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, Aeron, and other popular alternatives.

The Quest for Low Latency Communication

In today’s fast-paced digital world, latency can make all the difference between success and failure. Whether you’re building a high-frequency trading platform, a real-time analytics system, or a cloud-based gaming infrastructure, minimizing latency is crucial for optimal performance and user experience.

So, what is low latency communication, exactly? Simply put, it’s the ability of a system to transmit and receive data rapidly, with minimal delay or lag. In the context of C++ programming, achieving low latency communication requires a deep understanding of network programming, socket APIs, and the underlying system architecture.

Raw Sockets with io_uring: The Ultimate Low-Latency Solution?

Raw sockets, also known as Berkeley sockets, provide a low-level interface for communicating over TCP/IP networks. By using raw sockets, developers can bypass the overhead of higher-level abstractions and gain direct access to the network stack.

However, raw sockets come with a significant caveat: they require manual management of socket creation, connection establishment, data transmission, and error handling. This can lead to increased complexity, decreased performance, and a higher risk of errors.

Enter io_uring, a relatively new I/O API that provides a high-performance, low-latency interface for asynchronous I/O operations. By combining raw sockets with io_uring, developers can achieve unparalleled performance and efficiency:

#include <linux/socket.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <io_uring.h>

int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct sockaddr_in addr = {};
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(1234);

io_uring_queue* queue;
io_uring_queue_init(1, &queue);

struct io_uring_sqe* sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(queue);
io_uring_sqe_set_data(sqe, &sockfd);
io_uring_sqe_set_flags(sqe, IOSQE_IO_LINK);
io_uring_sqe_cmd(sqe, IORING_OP_CONNECT, sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));


In this example, we create a raw socket and use io_uring to establish a connection to a remote endpoint. By leveraging io_uring’s asynchronous I/O capabilities, we can achieve lower latency and higher throughput compared to traditional synchronous socket APIs.

While raw sockets with io_uring offer exceptional performance, they also come with increased complexity and maintenance costs. Fortunately, there are several high-level libraries and frameworks that provide low-latency communication solutions with easier-to-use APIs:


ZeroMQ (also known as ØMQ) is a lightweight, brokerless messaging library that provides a flexible, high-performance communication framework. With ZeroMQ, developers can build scalable, fault-tolerant applications with ease:

#include <zmq.h>

void* context = zmq_ctx_new();
void* socket = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_REQ);

zmq_connect(socket, "tcp://localhost:1234");

zmq_msg_t msg;
zmq_msg_init_size(&msg, 10);
memcpy(zmq_msg_data(&msg), "Hello, world!", 10);

zmq_msg_send(socket, &msg, 0);

In this example, we create a ZeroMQ context and socket, connect to a remote endpoint, and send a message using the REQ (request) socket type.


NanoMQ is a lightweight, low-latency messaging library designed for high-performance applications. Built on top of ZeroMQ, NanoMQ provides a more efficient, single-header implementation:

#include <nanomq.h>

nano_ctx_t* nano_ctx = nano_ctx_new();
nano_sk_t* nano_sk = nano_sk_new(nano_ctx, NANO_SK_REQ);

nano_sk_connect(nano_sk, "tcp://localhost:1234");

nano_msg_t nano_msg;
nano_msg_init_size(&nano_msg, 10);
memcpy(nano_msg_data(&nano_msg), "Hello, world!", 10);

nano_sk_send(nano_sk, &nano_msg, 0);

In this example, we create a NanoMQ context and socket, connect to a remote endpoint, and send a message using the REQ socket type.


Aeron is a high-performance, low-latency messaging library designed for building scalable, real-time systems. With Aeron, developers can achieve exceptional throughput and reliability:

#include <aeron/aeron.h>

aeron_media_drivercontext_t* context = aeron_media_driver_context_new();
aeron_socket_t* socket = aeron_socket_new(context, AERON_UDP_MEDIA, NULL);

aeron_socket_connect(socket, "localhost:1234");

aeron publication_t* publication = aeron_add_publication(socket, "mypublication");

aeron_message_t message;
aeron_message_init(&message, "Hello, world!", 10);

aeron_offer publication_offer = aeron_offer_from_publication(publication);
aeron_sendmessage(socket, &message, publication_offer);

In this example, we create an Aeron context and socket, connect to a remote endpoint, and send a message using the UDP media driver.

Comparison of Low-Latency Communication Solutions

So, which low-latency communication solution is right for your C++ application? The answer depends on your specific requirements, performance constraints, and development goals. Here’s a summary of the solutions discussed in this article:

Solution Description Latency Complexity
Raw Sockets with io_uring Low-level, asynchronous I/O Very low High
ZeroMQ Brokerless messaging library Low Moderate
NanoMQ Lightweight, low-latency messaging Low Moderate
Aeron High-performance messaging library Very low High

In general, raw sockets with io_uring offer the lowest latency, but at the cost of increased complexity. ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, and Aeron provide higher-level abstractions, making it easier to develop low-latency applications, but with slightly higher latency and complexity trade-offs.


In conclusion, achieving low-latency communication in C++ applications requires a deep understanding of network programming, socket APIs, and the underlying system architecture. By leveraging raw sockets with io_uring, ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, Aeron, and other high-performance libraries, developers can build scalable, real-time systems that meet the demanding requirements of modern applications.

Remember, the choice of low-latency communication solution depends on your specific needs, performance constraints, and development goals. Take the time to evaluate each option carefully and choose the one that best fits your project requirements.

Further Reading

For further reading on low-latency communication in C++, we recommend the following resources:

We hope this article has provided valuable insights into the world of low-latency communication in C++. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of low latency communication in C++!

What is the primary advantage of using raw sockets with io_uring for low latency communication in C++?

The primary advantage is the ability to bypass the kernel’s overhead, allowing for direct access to the network interface, resulting in significantly reduced latency and increased throughput.

How does ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, and Aeron compare to raw sockets with io_uring in terms of latency and performance?

While ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, and Aeron are high-performance messaging libraries, they still introduce additional latency and overhead compared to raw sockets with io_uring. However, they provide additional features such as message queueing, routing, and reliability, which may be valuable in certain scenarios.

What are some common use cases where raw sockets with io_uring would be a better choice than ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, or Aeron?

Raw sockets with io_uring are ideal for high-frequency trading, real-time analytics, and other applications that require ultra-low latency and minimal overhead. Additionally, they can be used in scenarios where precise control over the network stack is necessary.

Are there any specific challenges or limitations when working with raw sockets and io_uring in C++?

Yes, working with raw sockets and io_uring requires a deep understanding of the underlying network stack, socket programming, and the io_uring API. Additionally, error handling and debugging can be more complex compared to using higher-level libraries like ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, or Aeron.

Can raw sockets with io_uring be used in conjunction with other libraries like ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, or Aeron to achieve a balanced trade-off between latency and features?

Yes, it’s possible to use raw sockets with io_uring for specific low-latency components of an application, while leveraging the features and ease-of-use of libraries like ZeroMQ, NanoMQ, or Aeron for other parts of the system. This hybrid approach can provide a balanced trade-off between latency and features.